For Who You Are
In the book of Exodus, Moses asks God who he should say sent him if the people ask him that question. God answers, “I AM”. These aren’t just profound words, but a profound reality; and many of the things that we’ve memorized as “Christian facts”, are truths about His character that transform our relationship with Him. Turning religion into relationship, and leading us to a place of wanting to worship God “For Who He Is.”
Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them? God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.
– Exodus 3:13-14
Wednesdays | 6:30-8:30 pm
Resumes September 11th, 2024

Our mission is to inspire students (7th-12th Grade) to know the truth about God and their own identity in Christ – to be a rising generation characterized by compassion and grace.
(Parents, your involvement is welcomed and encouraged!)
Junior High (7th-8th Grade)
Our mission is to partner with parents to equip and inspire their students, 7th and 8th grade, to know the reality of God, the truth of the Bible, and their identity in Christ. We do this through worship, Bible teaching, small groups, service, and fun activities. By these things we support the church’s core value of Raising Godly Families and its vision of “with and for future generations.” Parental involvement is welcomed and encouraged.
Senior High (9th-12th Grade)
Our senior high youth group is for 9th-12th graders. We strive to train up our future generation to be compassionate, have grace, and be committed to God and His Word. We do this by creating opportunities for youth to be disciples, to live Godly lives, and to be ministers that reach our community and the nations with the Gospel.
UR Youth Upcoming Events
Meet Our UR Youth Leaders
Katie Brown
Family Life Director
Email Katie“Every teen has immeasurable value to God. Each has their own unique personality, passions, and gifts. I love being in youth ministry because I can be someone who can listen to their hearts, help shoulder their burdens, point them to truth as they learn to navigate their faith and cheer them on as they own their walks with God.”
Jonathan Sutton
Associate Pastor
Senior High Group Leader
Email Jonathan“What I love the most about working with youth is getting to know them and walking alongside them. My heart is to be able to celebrate with them, encourage them, support them, and point them to their heavenly Father who loves them and desires to do the same.”
Hannah Brassfield
Female Discipleship Leader
Email Hannah“Having relationships with these teens & pointing them to Christ is one of my greatest joys. When I was a teen in youth group, I needed a youth leader who would listen to me without shame and judgment, honestly answer my questions, and authentically relate to me. It is my prayer that God would help me to be this kind of leader for the young women in our church.”