Intro to UR
Discover Urban Refuge
Whether you are new to Urban Refuge or just have questions about the church, we invite you to our “Intro to UR” class. Join us for lunch as one of our pastors shares about Urban Refuge and answers your questions.
Attending this class does not obligate you to the membership process. However, the Intro to UR class is required if you would like to pursue becoming a Membership Partner.
What does it mean to be a Membership Partner?
The heart of being a Membership Partner is living in cooperation, collaboration, and connection together as the Body of the Christ. Expressed simply, we need each other!
How do I start my membership journey?
Attend the next Intro to UR Class at Urban Refuge.
Review Urban Refuge’s Statement of Faith and Virtues.
Complete the Membership Partner Application.
Additional Resources
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For those interested in further reading on salvation, the importance of being baptized, and problematic conduct that could lead to the removal of a Membership Partner.

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